Saturday, March 31, 2012

Little gardens of happiness...

also known as terrariums.
I love these things!
I've been wanting to make some forever, so I finally decided to since I was already at the garden center buying seeds.
Not really sure what the names of these plants are, but they are so cute and fun!
And, like with my seedlings, I had to get creative with these as well. Two went in lanterns made from old glass jars, and one is in a glass canister I used to use for flour.

The two smaller ones have three plants each: a flowery one, a shorter one, and a tall fern-looking one:


And here's the larger one. I like to call it "a peaceful little resting place". You'll see why:


I also threw the leftovers in a glass candy shop/apothecary kind of glass that I have:


I'll keep you posted on how these survive... :)

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