Sunday, April 1, 2012

Raw Cashew Dreamcake

The other day my friend shared this recipe with me, and after seeing a picture of the final product, I knew I had to try it. I mean, I love cashews, and I love raspberries, and I love new things, so I just had to give it a shot.
Now, I know I don't usually use recipes, but for something like this that I have never made before, I had to.
And, I need to give credit where credit is due, so here's where it came from:

Let's begin:
First step was soaking the cashews. It's best to do this overnight, so I got those ready first. I also measured and set out all the other ingredients I needed, and got them ready for the next day too.

 Ok, so after the cashews soaked overnight then drained, it was time to get started. First step- the crust.
This was real easy- just mix the almonds and dates and a little sea salt in the food processor until they were combined enough to stick together. I actually ended up putting more dates in than the original recipe called for to help make it a little more sticky.


 When they were ready, I lined the bottom of the spring form pan with them

Next step: the filling. For this you use coconut oil, which is solid, so it needed to be heated so that it was melted. I did this in a small pan on very low heat, whisking it until melted. And, the honey went into the pan with the coconut oil.

Once melted, it was time to mix the filling. The drained cashews, the coconut/honey mixture, the vanilla, and the juice of 2 lemons


Once that is nice and smooth, put about 2/3 of it on top of the crust

Add the raspberries to the remaining 1/3 and mix until smooth, then put that mixture on top of the other filling.  

Now, I must tell you- this was delicious, No doubt about it. However, next time I might just put the berries on top. Or use much less. The berry flavor just kind of took over the dish, which took away from the other amazing flavors.
But like I said, it was pretty amazing. 
I put it in the freezer for a little while, just to get firm, but not frozen. 
I also only had a 10" spring form pan, not a 7" as recommended, so my layers were pretty thin. Next time I will either get a smaller pan, or double the recipe.
But, for my first try, I think it turned out pretty good!

See ya soon!

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