Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dinner time!

So, today was a lazy, rainy Sunday, and I stayed in all day and watched movies. But at about 3:00 I decided I should go get some groceries so that I could have some dinner, and have food for the week.
Having no recipe, and no idea what I wanted to make, I set off. And after wandering around the grocery store for a while, I finally ended up deciding to make crab cakes with asparagus risotto, and arugula salad.

Here goes...
Risotto first. Always start what takes the longest to cook first.
Ingredients: white onion, asparagus, Arborio rice, butter and chicken broth.
Start by sweating the onions in the butter, then add the asparagus


Cook those together for a minute, add one cup of rice, then cook for another minute or two. Once everything is well mixed and heated up, add one cup of broth. Cook (I simmer this entire dis on medium-high) until absorbed, add another cup of broth, and cook until that is absorbed.


Once the rice was done, I just added some fresh grated Parmesan cheese, and mixed it in.

While the rice cooked down, I prepared the Crab cakes: 1 large can of crab meat, one egg (even though 2 are pictured), mayo, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and bread crumbs. I also like to add a little fresh lemon juice and some Old Bay seasoning, but I forgot to get them today. You can also add hot sauce, pepper, Cajun seasoning- whatever you want.


And, the salad. This is super easy- just put it all in a bowl! Arugula, strawberries, goat cheese and candied pecans. This is one of my favorite salads!
I also made a mustard vinaigrette: Dijon mustard, salt, sugar, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and a splash of balsamic vinegar. You can play with the ingredients until it suits your taste.


That's it!
Random, yes, but totally delicious!

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