Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chick Please!

So, my good friend Christine shared a snack with me the other day that blew my mind. Crunchy like nuts, but better. And more flavorful. I had to know what they were.
When I asked, she said they were roasted chick peas, and I was Instantly intrigued. I mean, other than hummus, I pretty much hate chick peas. So I asked how she made them. And I was blown away by their simplicity.
Chick peas.
A little oil
A little flavor.

So I tried.....
I grabbed a couple cans of chick peas, some oil, lemon, salt, pepper, and some spices.

First, drain and rinse the peas very well and dry them off. Gently.


Once the peas are clean and dry, toss them in a bowl with a little oil, and whatever spices you want. Garlic, salt, cajun, or even cinnamon & sugar. I chose garlic, and some spicy carribbean flavors.

Next, spread them onto a cookie sheet and pop them onto a 400* oven. Let them roast for about 15 minutes, then give them a shake and pop them back in for another 15.

Once they are dark and toasty (which may take longer than the two 15 minute sessions), let them cool off, and you are ready to snack!!


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