Tuesday, October 11, 2011

unplanned deliciousness!

All I wanted to do tonight was come home, deal with all this laundry and ironing, and start reorganizing my closets- a task I have been putting off for months.
Instead, I stopped by my parents to say hello, visited with Mrs. Ghetti across the street because my mom was over there (she's 95 and recovering from a fall. I found her lying in her driveway crying for help about 2 months ago, and she recently came home. Oh, and by the way- her grandson may just be the next Mr. Carrie Murphy...) Then we left Mrs. Ghetti's, went back to my parents house, hung out there for a few (so I could give them their anniversary gift- 37 years tomorrow!!), then headed home to clean. It was about 6:30 at this point, so I still had plenty of cleaning time ahead of me.
Well, then I decided to stop at the grocery store to grab something for dinner, since I had nothing at home, and now- at 9:00p.m.- I am blogging about what I cooked. So much for laundry and closets...
I was in the mood for fish and veggies, so I grabbed a couple nice pieces of Haddock, some tomatoes, and a couple squash. Then, I thought a little risotto might be good with these ingredients, so I grabbed some rice. Then I came home and got to it. I wasn't quite sure what "it" was at this point, but I knew it would be good.
First step- start the risotto, because it takes the longest to cook.
Ingredients: 1 cup Arborio rice, 3 cups chicken broth (which I had none of so I used water), chopped onions and garlic, butter and oil.
Simmer the onions and garlic in a little oil and butter until cooked, but Not browned. Then add the rice. After a couple minutes add one cup of liquid. Stir until all the liquid is absorbed. Then add the 2nd cup of liquid and cook until that is absorbed, then do the same with the 3rd cup. This entire process took about 20 minutes.

Now, while that was cooking, I got started on the veggies. Zucchini, summer squash and tomatoes. Chopped and cooked over a little oil and butter. Squash first, tomato second.

After the veggies were cooked up nice, I added the fish, and let it cook in all the yummy veggie juice.
Now, not a lot of people like fish and tomato (including, I believe, everyone in my family), but I love it and highly recommend it. Any seafood, any tomato-based sauce. Soooo gooood....
While the fish was cooking, I checked on the risotto, and it was sure looking good! Then I thought to myself, how can I make this even better. And of course there's only one answer to that question: cheese! (because as we all know, cheese makes Everything better!). So I grated in a little Parmesan.

Once the cheese was melted, and the fish was cooked, it was time to eat! A little squeeze of fresh lemon on everything, and Dinner Was Served... not too bad considering it was never part of my plan...

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