Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog in Progress...

I have said it before, and I will say it again- I am no gourmet. Heck, I am not even as good as some of you! But I love to cook, and I love to share, so that is why I am here. And if you are here too, I want you to know I truly appreciate it, I do.
I have been asked by several people why I am doing this, and most of the time my answer is simply "I don't know- I just wanted to", which is the truth. I love blogs. They fascinate me. So I decided to start my own. And like I said in my first post, I love to cook, so I thought that would be a fun thing to blog about. And, while my blog may not be all that fascinating, I hope that it is good enough to gain a few followers.
And if you are following, and you want to make some suggestions, Please Do! Whether its for a recipe, or hints on how to make this blog better, send them along! Like today- I got a great recipe for a scallop dish, so that will be coming soon (thanks Christina!).
Well, thanks (again) for stopping by to my little Work in Progress... be back soon!

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