Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And so it begins...

Due to the fact that I lost my old blog site (for technical reasons I care not to attempt to explain, Grrr...), I have started a new one. And this one (I hope) is going to be even more enjoyable. Why you ask? Well, because I am going to post about Food!!! MmmmHmmmm... oooh yessss, I said it: I have started a food blog. It seems to be the only thing I can consistently do (somewhat) well in my life, and something I hope to get better at in time. Now, please don't let me mislead you- I am not a chef. Nor do I claim to be one. I am just a girl who likes to cook. And, from time to time I like to share what I cook. Then I thought, why not share my creations on a blog?
So, here goes nothing (or something, I hope)!
Feel free to post comments, tips, tricks, suggestions, etc. If you are lucky, I will post something new based on your feedback.

Welcome aboard, and thanks for stopping by.

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