Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving re-purposed. #1

Hello again!
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I did.
I mean, how can you not? It's a holiday dedicated to food and nothing but food (well, family too, but mostly just food).
But what do you do when the day is over and you have all kinds of leftovers that you don't know what to do with? You get creative and re-purpose them.
This weekend I made 3 meals out of my Thanksgiving leftovers, all of which were absolutely amazing.
Here's my first dish: Shrimp stir-fry.
"What?" you ask. "Shrimp stir-fry with Thanksgiving leftovers?"
You see, dinner isn't the only thing that we don't always finish. Sometimes we don't finish our appetizers either. And that's where the inspiration for this meal came from. Stir-fry made with the leftover shrimp from the shrimp cocktail and some of the leftover veggies from the veggie platter.
Add in some rice noodles (also known as rice sticks) and homemade teriyaki, and you have yourself one fine meal.
Let's begin.
Start boiling water for the noodles, then toss the veggies into a hot pan with a little oil.
Since the veggies were already chopped, and the shrimp were already cooked, this meal came together real quick.

While that is cooking, you can make your sauce.
Now, I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing this, but here's the way I have always made it:
soy sauce, frozen concentrated orange juice, honey, garlic and brown sugar.
I used about 2 cups of soy, 1/3 c. sugar, 1/3 c. honey, 1 tbsp. garlic, 1 tbsp. OJ. Go easy on the OJ as it is pretty strong. If you don't have any, a splash or regular orange juice will do.

Mix to taste.

When the veggies are almost done, its time to cook the rice noodles. These only take 3 minutes.

When those are ready, its time to put it all together:

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