Wednesday, November 14, 2012

steak and potatoes

Don't let the title fool you. This meal was a lot more than just a steak and just some potatoes.
It was an amazing pan seared London broil in my new amazing pan. With sauteed mushrooms, twice cooked garlic and cheddar smashed potatoes, pan seared asparagus.
Did I mention that I got a new pan?
Well I did. And I am in LOVE with it!
And I cooked this entire meal in it.

The lineup:

Step one: boil the potatoes. When they are done (you'll know this because if you stick a fork into the center of one it will slip right out), drain them, put a little oil in the pan, then put them back in.

Then, lightly smush them with a fork, sprinkle with salt, pepper & garlic, then top with cheddar cheese. Cover then cook until everything is crispy, hot, melted and happy.

Next: asparagus. Rinse, trim, saute, done.

Next: steak that I seasoned with salt & pepper. Do not skip this step!
Also: Never cook a cold steak. Always let it rest before cooking until its almost room temperature. 
drop it into a hot pan and let it sear real nice. Then flip it over, and do the same to the other side.

However, once I flipped it, I tossed in some mushrooms (and a little butter) to cook along with the steak. That way they absorbed all the flavor from the steak.

Once the steak seems happy, remove it from the heat to let it rest. This is also a very important step that you should never skip. While that rests, let the mushrooms cook a bit longer so they absorb all the good stuff that the steak left behind.

Last step: plate it all and enjoy!

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