Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ribs... interrupted

First of all, how the heck have I gone almost a month without a post?!?! Yikes!

Anyways, last week I was inspired to make braised short ribs. For 2 reasons.
One- my friend Rob from work kept talking about them, and how amazing they (and his) are.
Two- I went to dinner with my friend Sue and she ordered them, which of course I tried a bite of, and I fell in love. Completely.
So the decision was made. I will make some!
And, with Hurricane Sandy on her way, I figured it would be a nice food to eat during the storm.
So I began....

Ribs, chopped onions, diced carrots (no, scratch the carrots, I forgot to buy them), red wine, beef broth, thyme, salt, pepper, Olive Oil (or bacon fat if you are smart enough to have some like I do).

Step one: Coat the ribs with salt, pepper & thyme, then sear the beef in the bottom of a nice dutch oven (in either bacon fat or oil) until is it crispy and brown. Take your time with this step! It may take 10-15 minutes. And don't over crowd the meat- do it in a couple batches if you need to (I did).
Once the meat is browned, remove it from the pan and set aside on a plate.

Step two: add the onions and carrots (if you have them) to the pan so that they soak up all the yummy stuff that the beef left at the bottom of the pan.

Once they are cooked a bit, add a cup or two of red wine (depending on your taste, and the size of your pot) and about 6-8 cups of beef broth (again, depending on the size of your pot).

After all that is happy, it's time to add the beef back to the mix (I guess this would be step 4. I lost count). Add them to the pot with the rib-down if you can, then cover and pop into a 325* oven for about 3 1/2 hours. If your lid isn't oven safe, or if you don't have one, just cover the pot tightly with foil.

 When they are done, you will have some amazingly tender, fall-off-the-bone pieces of meat that will be simply heavenly.
And (as suggested by my friend Rob) if you want to take things to another level, you can reduce the sauce (I will definitely be doing that next time!!!!)

That's all for now, hope you enjoyed this one (I know I did!).
Oh, and I should note that when the ribs had an hour left to cook I lost power thanks to Hurricane Sandy, so I packed the pot into a hot foods bag and took them to my parents house to finish (hence the title of this post).
Luckilymy mom had some yummy veggies and rice cooking, so we had a nice feast during the storm. :)


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