Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More salad!

Roasted corn, tomato, avocado, cilantro and shrimp salad. YUM!

This is so easy too. I mean, the name of the salad is the ingredients, so it's pretty easy to figure out. Just mix ever thing together!
But I'll walk you through, since that's what I like doing.

I do have to say though, if you have been following me, I hope you are starting to realize that cooking really is very easy. I mean, half the things on here (like all these salads) are really just putting things together. There's actually not a lot of "cooking" involved!
Anyways, back to this salad.
I cheated and bought a frozen bag of cooked shrimp because they were on sale, but if you want to cook your own shrimp, I highly recommend it.
I did, however, roast my own corn on my new Griddler. After it was nice and charred, I cut it off the cob.


Next, chop the tomatoes, a few shallots (you can also use red onion), avocado and cilantro.
And as you chop it all, add it to a salad bowl.


Then I cut the shrimp into smaller pieces, added them to the bowl, then tossed in the corn. 


Next, I added a couple spoonfuls of chipotle pepper 'juice". This stuff comes in a can and is super hot (well, to me anyways), so I only use a little. But you can use more if you like the taste. Either way, it adds a nice smokey, spicy flavor to the salad, so I highly recommend trying it out.
Then I added a bit of the lime vinaigrette that I made in my last post, and that was it!

Enjoy, and see you soon!

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