Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I don't know about you, but I LOVE BEETS! I also love salad, so I figured why not combine the two and make a beet salad!

The cast of characters: Beets (I couldn't find any golden beets, so I used all purple ones), goat cheese feta (my new favorite!), grilled chicken, and mixed field greens. I prefer arugula, but the grocery store was all out, so I got a garden mix.
I also made a vinaigrette, which involved red wine vinegar, white vinegar, vegetable oil, fresh ground salt & pepper, and fresh squeezed lime juice.
Let's begin.

First, boil the beets. You can also steam or oven roast them, I just didn't want to heat up the house or wait that long, so I boiled them. This took about an hour. You'll know they are done when you stab them with a fork and it comes out without sticking (similar to what you do when you test a boiled potato).

When the beets are done, drain them and let them cool off. Once they are cool enough to hold, you'll need to peel them. This is super easy, because the skin will peel right off just by rubbing it off with your hands. I recommend doing this under running water though, solely for the purpose of avoiding getting hot pink hands (trust me, these things will stain your skin and it could last a few days). You can also wear gloves if you like, but since I hate wearing gloves, I chose the running water option.

Then, you just need to dry them off (use paper towels to avoid staining your kitchen towels), cut them into 1/2" sized pieces, and put them in a salad bowl.

Ok, I didn't photograph the next steps, because I like to think we all know how to grill chicken, so the rest of the salad is just assembly. Beets, cubed chicken and crumbled goat cheese feta over a bed of salad greens.

Next up: the vinaigrette.
Like I said before, this recipe takes oil, red wine vinegar, white vinegar, salt, pepper and lime juice. Mix to taste. Yes, it's that simple. Personally, I like it a little more vinegar-y, so I add more, but this is a totally personal thing. There are no rules here.


That's it! just dress it and enjoy.
So easy, yet so delicious!

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