Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

I can't believe another year has come and gone! It's amazing how quickly time flies!
2011 ended pretty good (food wise), and I apologize for not posting during the foodiest month of the year!
I was thinking about all the food that I was around last month, and was so upset I didn't post pictures of ANY of it, so I'm sorry. I will resolve to do better this year.
Like today.
Bridget and I made another one of our famous breakfasts, including a couple quick breads.
Pumpkin and Banana. Thanks to the little white dough boy...

One box, 2 eggs, a little oil and a some water, then stir! :)
Then while they were in the oven, we made a little sugar glaze. Sooo easy... 
And, if you ever run out of powdered sugar, just throw some regular sugar in a blender (or the Magic Bullet if you have one- they totally rock), and Voila! Powdered sugar!

Then we made home fried potatoes, scrambled eggs and sausages.
Not too bad...

 So, Like I said earlier, I promise I will try to blog more this year (and not so much about breakfasts with Bridget, LOL).
I also decided I may start adding reviews of things I eat when I am out, so look forward to those additions too.
Until then.... Happy 2012!

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