Monday, January 9, 2012

Accidental Delicious

Tonight I was just going to have leftovers for dinner. That was the plan.
But when I got home at 6:00, there was a funny smell in the kitchen, and I didn't know where it was coming from, so I started cleaning. This involved pulling out the fridge, vacuuming the vents on the back of it, and mopping the floor where it belongs with bleach. Then I put it back, emptied it, cleaned the fridge and freezer with bleach, and put most of the food back (I threw a few things out, but none of them were the cause of the smell).
Then I emptied the sink, started the dishwasher, cleaned the counters and floors with bleach, and scrubbed the sink.
Then I threw in a load of laundry, and while that was going, I decided to reorganize my kitchen cabinets.
When I was done with that it was 8:00 and I realized I was hungry. And although I had a fridge full of leftovers, I decided to cook the seafood that I found in the freezer.
It was a small package of mussles, clams, calamari, shrimp and fish from the market that I had forgotten about. I couldn't decide what to have it with, so I started looking through the cabinets, and I had one cup of arborio rice left so I decided to make seafood risotto.
I apologize I have no photos- this was a total last minute decision so I didn't have the camera.
I began by sauteeing some chopped onion and celery  in a little butter (I had a little of each in the fridge, so I decided to use them up). Then I added the rice. I let those sautee for about 2 minutes, then I added one cup of chicken broth.
Once that was absorbed, I added one more cup and let that absorb as well.
Now, normally if I am just making risotto, I add a third cup of broth (or water, but broth adds more flavor), let it absorb, then its done.
But tonight I decided to experiment, so after the second cup of broth had cooked into the rice, I added the seafood (it was a small package, plus I threw in some extra shrimp that I had in the freezer) and 2 more cups of broth. I also added some salt, pepper and garlic.
Once that started getting happy, I decided I wanted it to be a little thicker, so I dissolved a small spoonful of corn starch into about a half cup of warm water, and poured that into the pot.
After a few more minutes of cooking, it was ready!
I cooked some spinach to have it with, and that was it!
And I must say, this was one of the more delicious last minute unplanned meals I have made in a while.
Isn't that always the case... LOL

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