Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oreo balls!!!

Oh my goodness, I am giggling typing this. Oreo balls. Hehehe. This is why I call things Spherical foods. Because I am immature.
But seriously, there has been so much fuss recently over cake balls. People always seem to be making them, sometimes even putting them on sticks and calling them cake pops. I even saw small machines at Target that you can use to make cake balls. It's amazing! But Oreo balls, well, that is a whole other level of amazing. And that is a lot coming from me, because I don't even like Oreo cookies!
But what are Oreo balls you ask? And how do you make them? Well, let me tell you...

Start with one package of Oreo Double Stuff, one 8 oz. package of cream cheese, and one bag of melting chocolates (or 2 bags if you want to mix up the colors or flavors). The chocolates can be found at your local craft store. I also got some sprinkles to jazz them up a bit!

Step one: Mash up the Oreos.
You can do this by hand, or with a rolling pin if the cookies are in a Ziploc bag, but I decided to break out the heavy artillery for this one. The food processor.

Once the cookies are nicely mashed up, it's time to add the cream cheese. I dropped chunks of it into the cookies, then put the processor on "pulse" until it all balled up into one nice creamy mixture.

Next, start melting the chocolate.
I would recommend a double-boiler, but since I don't have one, I used a Pyrex bowl over a pot of simmering water. And while the chocolate was melting, I rolled the cookie mixture into balls.

Once the chocolate is melted, it's time to dip!
I recommend using 2 forks for this job. And be careful so you don't get any crumbs in the chocolate.
Oh, and here's a shot of my assembly station. Gotta love my tiny kitchen!

Ok, so once all the Oreo balls are coated in chocolate, it's time to decorate. Do this as soon as you can (especially if you are using sprinkles) because they will not stick to the chocolate once it cools and hardens. 

Once you are done decorating, put them on whatever serving plate you are going to use, then pop the little suckers in the fridge until its time to eat them.

And that's it!! Oreo balls!!! Not bad for my first try, ay? I will definitely make these again! Unlike cake balls, which I tried to make a couple months ago. They were delicious (red velvet covered in white chocolate), but messy. These were a little messy too, but not bad. And super yummy!!!

See you soon!


  1. Oh, and P.S.- I got the recipe for these from my pal Steph at work. She is the Queen of Oreo Balls, and I made these for her last day working with me :(

    Steph, if you are reading this, I hope I made you proud, and I hope you know how much I will miss you.

    Luv ya Peabs! <3


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