Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I love soup. Love everything about it. I Love eating it, but I love making it even more. I'm actually surprised I haven't posted any soups yet (have I?). LOL
I make soup a lot in the fall & winter, mostly to clean out the fridge, freezer and cabinets of things that are taking up space. And I typically call it my "pantry special".
Tonight though I decided to make a soup based on a few recent inspirations. One being the potato, kale and vegetable soup I had for lunch today, and Two being a recent conversation with some co-workers regarding the fact that Bacon makes everything better.
So, I decided to make a bacon-kale-vegetable soup. And, to add a little whole grain to the situation, I decided to add some Qinoa.
Here goes... (I should mention that I did not add the white beans in the picture).

boil quinoa...

cook Bacon until it's nice and crispy. Mmmm! 


chop veggies (aka the Trifecta!)

add to bacon

Chop Kale, being sure to remove stems, then add to pot...

add broth, and cook at a metium-high heat for a while. I let mine cook for about an hour...

add Quinoa...

and Enjoy!!!

And remember: soup is a Very Easy (and quick) way to make a delicious meal with all kinds of great flavors. So don't be afraid to play around with different ingredients- even if they are just leftovers!

Until next time... Enjoy!


  1. Looks good, love reading your blogs!

  2. P.S. never heard of Quinoa is it like rice??

  3. Not really. It's hard to explain. it's a grain (well, technically I think it's a seed). You can have eat it as a side dish, make a salad with it, add too soups, use like cereal/oatmeal, so many things! It's so good! LOL.

    And thanks! So nice to, know someone its following this! :)


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