Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where have you been Carrie?!?

Here. I've been here. Not cooking, but here.
Typically, I cook and post on Sundays. However, the last few Sundays have been a little crazy! Painting (a little something I do for fun), travelling (girls weekend away) and things of the such.
So, I apologize for slacking in the cooking department.
But, going forward I decided I will post what I did Instead of cooking.
So, here are my last two Sundays for your viewing Pleasure. Painting, and my weekend away at Meredith Bay, NH

Ugly. Brown. Panelling.
lots and lots of primer.
 getting there...

Girls weekend away

oooh... and lets not forget the hot tub!
on the mountain. overlooking the lake.
and it lit up. in lots of different colors. it was pretty spectacular!

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