Sunday, July 28, 2013

tortellini summer salad

I love pasta salad. 
A lot.
I also love making pasta salads. 
I mean, all you have to do is put some pasta and a bunch of other stuff in a bowl, add some type of dressing, and Voila! Pasta salad.
It's almost like making soup, just without the broth. 
Ok, not really. 
But, like the soups I make in the winter with whatever I can find in the cabinet, fridge or freezer, pasta salads are so simple and so easy. 
And here is one of them. Which will hopefully be the first of many that I post this summer.
Let's go!

Ingredients (sorry, I have no "before" or "during" pictures for this one, but I swear you'll be ok):

1 bag of frozen tri-colored cheese tortellini
some chopped zucchini
some chopped summer squash
some chopped cherry tomatoes
some chopped white onion
a little fresh chopped basil
some Italian dressing (whatever kind you like. I prefer Fannie's Light)

Boil the tortellini according to the package directions.
While they are cooking, chop all the veggies and put them in a bowl.
Once the pasta is done, drain it (do not rinse!!!) toss it with the veggies, then drizzle with some dressing until its all lightly coated. Make sure you only add a little at a time, because you don't want it to be swimming in dressing (yuck!).

Add a little salt and pepper if you so choose. Otherwise, that's it!

Yum, Yum!

See you soon for another summer pasta salad.

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