Sunday, July 28, 2013

summer pesto pasta salad

Ok, here it is- my second summer pasta salad.
Now, I know this is very similar to a pasta dish I made last summer, but it's so good I couldn't resist!
I mean, it's got pistachio pesto in it. Yes, I said pistachio pesto. And yes, it is as good as it sounds.
So let's get to it!

Before you begin the pesto, boil some pasta. I used bow ties for this, but you can use whatever you like.
This way, by the time the pesto is ready, the pasta will also be ready. Because remember- timing is Everything when you are cooking.

While the pasta is cooking, start the pesto in the food processor:


 Fresh grated Parmesan cheese.

Basil (I am growing 3 different kinds, so I used a little of each).

Start to mix this a little using the "pulse" button.

 Then drizzle in a little Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

And mix it until it starts to look like pesto.

Then I remembered that I forgot to add garlic, so I tossed some in.

Once everything was in, I mixed it all on Low until it was to the consistency I wanted.

Once it was ready, I put it onto a bowl so I could use it for the salad.

When the pesto was done, I started getting the other ingredients ready: shredded carrots, zucchini and summer squash.
All I did with these was grate them on the same grater I used for the Parmesan cheese (with the exception of the carrots- I cheated and bought them).

And a little more cheese.

Once everything was ready, I tossed in the pasta that was miraculously done right when I needed it. All I did was drain it and toss it into the bowl. I did not rinse it (never rinse your pasta!)

Next- add some pesto.
I recommend adding just a little at a time so that you don't put too much in. This is a good rule for any type of dressing that you are putting on any type of salad.

Oh, and if while you are mixing this you realize you need to add a little more oil, then go ahead. Or some salt. Or some pepper. Or some garlic. Whatever. This is your dish, so add whatever you want so that it tastes good to you. For example, I may go back and some cherry tomatoes cut in half to this, I think would be nice!

Once it's mixed, put it in the fridge to chill for a while, then you are free to enjoy it!

See ya soon.

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