Monday, February 4, 2013

Pasta and Shellfish!

I love shellfish.
Heck, I love everything that comes out of the ocean!
And I was craving some last week. So, I hit up the seafood counter, grabbed a couple things, and got to cooking.
My inspiration for this dish? I have no idea. It just kind of "came to me". Sorry.
Anyways, here goes: mussels and bay scallops over angel hair with tomato and basil.

Mussels, bay scallops, an onion, chopped (not pictured), garlic, olive oil, 1 can of chicken broth (not pictured), some white wine (about 2 cups- not pictured), butter, pasta, tomatoes and basil.

Ok, first: boil a pot of water to cook the pasta in.
While that is heating up, saute onion and garlic in a little bit of oil and butter (Yes, I said oil AND butter. The combo is phenomenal. If you haven't done it before, do it going forward. You will be hooked).
And, feel free to chop your garlic however you like. Or use the stuff in the jar. Or grate it on a micro-plane like I do.

Once those are happy, add a little more butter, and the chicken broth. Then, add the mussels. 

Let the mussels cook for a few minutes on their own, then add the scallops.

Once everything is cooked (you'll know the mussels are done when they open), add some fresh chopped basil and some fresh chopped tomatoes to the mix. Then cover and let it all steam for a few minutes.
Also, by now your water should be boiling, so add the pasta to it, set the timer, stir and boil.

Next, drain the pasta, then add this mixture to it.
Now, what I did (which I didn't take a picture of, sorry) was drain the pasta into a strainer in the sink, then put the strainer full of pasta over the empty pasta pot I cooked the pasta in, then I dumped this all over it so that the broth ran through it, and collected into the empty pot below.
Then I scooped some pasta and seafood into a bowl, poured a little of the broth mix over it, grated a little fresh Reggiano on top, and Voila! 
Restaurant quality dinner, made all within the time it took to boil the pasta. Amazing.

And it was Soooooo good! 

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