Monday, February 4, 2013

American Chop whatey?

Suey. American Chop Suey.
Don't ask me where the name came from, because I can't tell you.
What I can tell you though is that this is one of my favorite "comfort" meals.
It's also Super Easy to make.

Now, normally I wouldn't think to put something like this on here, but for some strange reason a lot of people have never heard of this (shocking, I know), and it made me think: "Who else out there has never heard of American Chop Suey? Oh my goodness, I better educate them all!". So, now I am.

Basically, for those of you who don't know, this dish is traditionally just a mixture of elbow macaroni, ground beef, and tomato sauce. You can also add peppers, onions, and/or mushrooms, and you can switch up the pasta. Basically, its just a mix of pasta, tomato sauce and vegetables (sometimes referred to as American Goulash), but I like to keep it simple and "traditional".

And, to those of you who want to make it as simple as it can possibly be, here's a good trick to remember how to make it: 1-1-1 (1-box elbows, 1-jar sauce, 1-lb. hamburg).

Here goes:
Step 1: boil water for the pasta. I think we all know how to do this.

Step 2: brown the hamburg.
If you have never done this, put it in a hot, preferably non-stick pan (on high) break it up as it cooks so that it is small crumbles of meat. Cook until there is no pink left in the meat (this will take about 7-8 minutes for a pound of meat.
Also, I recommend adding chopped onions and peppers to this mix. Just a handful or so of each, It really adds a lot to the dish. (I just didn't have any this day).

Step 3: Boil the pasta. Again, something we should all know how to do by now.
And don;t forget to set the timer to the correct time as indicated on the package. I have said this before, and I will say it again- this is super important if you ask me! It's so easy to lose track of time and overcook your pasta, so just set the timer.

Step 4: When the pasta is done, drain it, then put it back into the pot. Add the hamburg, then the sauce, and stir.

Step 5: Serve.
I love cheese on top, so feel free to give it a little of your favorite. I prefer fresh shaved Reggiano.


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