Thursday, February 2, 2012


Hello again!
So, this weekend is the Superbowl, and my team- The New England Patriots- are in it to win it! To celebrate, we are having a little "Pats & Apps" party at work tomorrow. And since there is already so much food planned, I decided to make something sweet- Rice Krispie treats. But it wouldn't be a football party if they weren't football themed, so I decided to make them look like footballs!
Let's do it....
The starting line-up: Cocoa Krispies, marshmallows, butter, and cooking spray.
To begin, spray your bowl with cooking spray. Basically, anything that is going to touch the marshmallow should be coated with spray to prevent sticking. Including your spatulas and your hands. Trust me.
Then, put one bag of marshmallows and 3 tablespoons of butter (I cubed it up) into the bowl


Then, throw it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, until the marshmallows are melted. the recipe on the box says to do this on the stove in a pot, but that is waaaaayyy too messy. This is way faster and easier.

Next, add the cereal. 6 cups. Then mix until its all well combined (and don't forget to use the cooking spray on the spatulas!!)

 Once combined, put it all into whatever dish you want to use. I used a brownie pan so they wouldn't be too thick.
Throw these in the fridge for a little while (maybe 10 minutes) before you cut them. 

OK, so while those were in the fridge, I made a second batch. But these ones I added peanut butter to.
I used a little less than half a jar, and they were Super Peanut-buttery. Next time I will probably only use about a cup of PB, and half the butter, because they didn't stick together as well as the regular ones.  
Here's how I did them:
Alright, so once both batches have cooled down and hardened a little, it's time to cut them. Since I didn't have a football shaped cookie-cutter, I drew a football on paper and used that to cut around.
Let the cutting begin!

Next step- decorate (I underestimated how tedious this would be and how sore my hand would be afterwards).
Special thanks to Betty Crocker for her awesome frosting in a tube for this job! Yes, I could have made my own and used a piping bag, which may have yielded a better result, but honestly- this was way easier!

That's it!!!!
I sure hope everyone likes these, because frosting them took me almost an hour, yikes!!!

See you soon everyone, and GO PATS!!!! :)

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