Monday, February 17, 2014

fruit and almond tart

I guess you can call this a tart.
Maybe a crostini?
I really don't know.
All I know is that I started experimenting with this type of dessert a while back, and I just can't get enough of it!
So, here is today's version- with pears, blackberries, almond paste and mascarpone cheese.

Here we go...

First, peel and slice your pears.

Then roll out your dough.
(yes, I used pre-made pie crust from the grocery store. So sue me...)

Next, put a thin layer of almond paste on top of the crust.

Top that with a layer of mascarpone cheese, then layer the pears on top.
(sorry there's no picture of the cheese layer- my hands were to dirty to snap one. And I forgot).

Next, roll the berries in a little sugar, then place them on top of the pears.
Use as little or many as you want here!

Once its done, Pop it into the oven. I cooked it at 400 for about 30 minutes.
Then I put the broiler on to brown the top.
Mostly because I have a crappy oven.
If you have a good oven, the baking should be enough.

Once it's done let it chill for a few (hot sugars do not feel good on the roof of your mount, trust me!), then enjoy. And feel free to pair this with some nice vanilla bean ice cream. I wish I had had some!!!

See you soon!

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