Tuesday, January 14, 2014

a little pie

Literally, this recipe is for a little pie.
Which I made with one of the new kitchen toys that I got for Christmas from my brother's girlfriend.
Its great!
This thing is going to let me make all kinds of fun, stuffed treats (I hope to do a calzone next, or a savory dinner pie). I'm so excited!
Anyways, as with any new kitchen gadget, I like to try it out with something cheap and easy the first time, just to see how it works and how much I like it. So, for this I decided to make a little apple pie. And the easiest, cheapest way I could think to do it was with prepared ingredients. Specifically, canned fruit and prepared crust (don't judge).

Step one: roll out the dough and place it onto the mold:

Step two: add the filling. Be careful not to add too much!

Then fold it up, and trim off the excess dough:

Then bake. Or fry. Whatever you like.
I decided to fry this because it was quicker, and I didn't have to heat up my whole oven just for one little pie.

As soon as it was nice and golden brown, I pulled it out, set it on a cooling rack, and immediately dusted it with a little sugar. Doing it right away helps the sugar stick to the crust.

Last step, Enjoy! (and boy did I!!!)

See you soon!

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