Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Year, and some old food :)

Wow, how did 2012 go by so quickly?!?
I'm pretty sure I completely lost track of time over the last couple of months. Thanksgiving and Christmas were big cooking days for me, so it was tough to take photos, I'll try to do better this year.
To make up for it, I posted a few pics below of things I did make while I was gone. Enjoy.
And sit tight, and get excited for 2013. I know I am!
Love, Ca

Bacon Mac & Cheese
Meredith Bay, NH

Meatloaf, Noodles pilaf and green bean bake.
by Sue. Meredith Bay, NH

Drinks, Drinks, (I swear we also had snacks) and a potato gun.
Meredith Bay, NH

Bacon, Egg & Biscuit cups
at Home.

Potatoes and Squash
for Christmas Dinner

Gun-shaped pancake and egg.

Italian almond (instead of anise) cookies


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