Tuesday, October 2, 2012


When god gives you peppers, stuff them. That's what I always say. Er, at least, that's what I say now.
You see, I had a ton of peppers from the garden and I had no idea what to do with them, so I decided to stuff them.
Although, that was not my initial plan.

My initial plan was to make some sauce with all the tomatoes I had.

Then I thought, hey, I have a small package of hamburg in the freezer. I should brown that and add it to the sauce. So I did.

Then I thought, oh, I have a little bit of rice in the cabinet. Why not cook that too, then stuff all the peppers with everything I just cooked? So that's what I did next. I cooked some rice.

Then I thought, well, while I am trying to use stuff up, I might as well add in the summer squash and eggplant that I have too. So, I did.

Then, I remembered I had some smoked mozzarella, so I decided to chop that up and add it to the peppers as well.

Once everything was chopped, I mixed it all together (with a little salt & pepper too of course).

Next, I prepped the peppers. To do this, simply cut around the stems and pull the top off. This way you get all the seeds.

Oh, and if the bottom of the pepper isn't totally flat, carefully slice a little off, but make sure not to cut a hole in the bottom of the pepper.

Next up, stuff and bake. I like to hit them with some serious heat so the peppers roast, so I put them ion a 425 oven for about 25 minutes.

That's it! Next step is enjoy!

See you soon!